Workflow configuration
HRIBO allows different customization to be able to handle different types of input data and customize the analysis. On this page we explain the different options that can be set to easily customize the workflow.
Default workflow
We provide a default config.yaml
with generally well-defined default values in the template folder of the HRIBO GitHub repository.
Biology Settings
This section contains general settings for the workflow.
adapter sequence
The adapter section is split into single end and paired end adapters. If you have single-end data, you only need to specify the single-end adatpers.
adapterS3: "" #3prime
adapterS5: "" #5prime
If you have mixed or paired-end data, you need to specify the appropriate paired-end adapters.
adapterP3R1: "" #3prime mate1
adapterP5R1: "" #5prime mate1
adapterP3R2: "" #3prime mate2
adapterP5R2: "" #5prime mate2
The adapter sequences will be removed using cutadapt
. It is important to add them if you know that your data was not trimmed before.
genome file
genome: "genome.fa"
The path to the genome file in fasta format. Only fasta format is supported. Make sure that the genome file has the same identifiers as the reference annotation file.
annotation file
annotation: "annotation.gff"
The path to the annotation file in gff format. Only gff format is supported. Make sure that the annotation file has the same identifiers as the reference genome file.
sample sheet
samples: "HRIBO/samples.tsv"
The path to the sample sheet (example provided in the templates folder). The sample sheet describes the relation between the different samples used for the experiment.
alternative start codons
alternativestartcodons: ["GTG","TTG"]
A list of alternative start codons that will be used to predict ORFs. The default is ["GTG","TTG"]
Differential Expression Settings
differentialexpression: "on"
This option allows you to turn on or off differential expression analysis. If you do not have multiple conditions defined in the sample sheet and differential expression is activated, you will receive an error message. Options are “on / off”.
features: ["CDS", "sRNA"]
This option allows you to specify which features should be used for differential expression analysis. Any feature that appears in your reference annotation is allowed. We suggest using CDS and sRNA features.
contrasts: ["treated1-untreated1", "treated2-untreated2"]
This option allows you to specify which contrasts should be used for differential expression analysis. The order will affect the directionality of the log2FC values in the output files.
adjusted pvalue cutoff
padjCutoff: 0.05
This option allows you to specify the adjusted pvalue cutoff for differential expression analysis. The default is 0.05. All results will be present in the output, this will is soley used to add additional pre-filtered list in the output excel tables.
log2 fold change cutoff
log2fcCutoff: 1.0
This option allows you to specify the log2 fold change cutoff for differential expression analysis. The default is 1.0. All results will be present in the output, this will is soley used to add additional pre-filtered list in the output excel tables. Only positive values are allowed. Respective negative values to determine down-regulation will be generated automatically by multiplying by -1.
ORF predictions
deepribo: "on"
Activating DeepRibo predictions will give you a different file with ORF predictions. By experience, the top DeepRibo results tend to be better than those of reparation. For archea, where reparation performs very poorly, DeepRibo is the preferred option.
DeepRibo cannot cope with genomes containing special IUPAC symbols
, ensure that your genome file contains only A
, G
, C
, T
, N
Read statistics Settings
readLengths: "10-80"
This option allows you to specify the read lengths that should be used for read statistics analysis. The default is 10-80
We allow combinations of intervals and single values, e.g. 10-40,55,70
Metagene Profiling Settings
There exist multiple options to customize the metagene profiling analysis.
Positions outside of the ORF
positionsOutsideORF: 50
This option allows you to specify the number of positions outside of the ORF that should be considered for metagene profiling analysis. The default is 50
Positions inside of the ORF
positionsInsideORF: 150
This option allows you to specify the number of positions inside of the ORF that should be considered for metagene profiling analysis. The default is 150
Genes that are shorter than the specified number of positions inside of the ORF will be ignored.
Filtering Methods
filteringMethods: ["overlap", "length", "rpkm"]
This option allows you to specify which filtering methods should be used for metagene profiling analysis. The default is ["overlap", "length", "rpkm"]
These methods are used to filter out genes that would cause artifacts in the metagene profiling analysis.
method filters out genes that overlap with other genes.The
method filters out genes that are shorter than the threshold.The
method filters out genes below the rpkm threshold.
Neighboring Genes Distance
neighboringGenesDistance: 50
This option allows you to specify the distance to neighboring genes that will be considered to filter out overlapping genes.
The default is 50
. This means that genes that are closer than 50nt to another gene will be filtered out.
RPKM Threshold
rpkmThreshold: 10.0
This option allows you to specify the RPKM threshold that will be used to filter out genes below the threshold.
The default is 10.0
Length Cutoff
lengthCutoff: 50
This option allows you to specify the length cutoff that will be used to filter out genes below the threshold. Be aware that genes that are smaller than the positionsInsideORF will be filtered out anyway.
Mapping Methods
mappingMethods: ["fiveprime", "threeprime", "centered", "global"]
This option allows you to specify which mapping methods should be used for metagene profiling analysis. The default is ["fiveprime", "threeprime"]
Multiple mappings can be used and result in multiple output files/folders.
method will use the 5’ end of the reads to count the number of reads per position.The
method will use the 3’ end of the reads to count the number of reads per position.The
method will use the center nucleotides of each read to count the number of reads per position.The
method will use the entire read to count the number of reads per position.
Read Lengths:
readLengths: "25-34"
This option allows you to specify the read lengths that should be used for metagene profiling analysis. The default is 25-34
We allow combinations of intervals and single values, e.g. 25-34,40,50
Normalization Methods
normalizationMethods: ["raw", "cpm"]
This option allows you to specify which normalization methods should be used for metagene profiling analysis. The default is ["raw", "cpm"]
Output Formats
outputFormats: ["svg", "pdf", "png", "jpg", "interactive"]
This option allows you to specify which output formats should be used for metagene profiling analysis. The default is ["svg", "interactive"]
The interactive option will generate an interactive html file that can be used to explore the metagene profiling results.
This option is only used when the interactive
output format is selected.
includePlotlyJS: "integrated"
This option allows you to specify how the plotly.js library should be included in the interactive html file. The default is integrated
option will include the plotly.js library in the html file. The file will be larger, but can be used offline. (+3.7mb/file)The
option will include a link to the plotly.js library in the html file.The
option will include a link to a local plotly.js library in the html file. This option requires the plotly.js library to be available in the same folder as the html file.
colorList: []
This option allows you to specify a list of colors that should be used for the metagene profiling analysis. The default is []
Per default a list of colorblind-friendly colors will be used.
If you want to change the colors, make sure that the number of colors matches the number of samples.
We also suggest to use hex colors, e.g. #ff0000
workflow: "full"
This option allows you to specify which workflow should be used:
workflow will the fullHRIBO
workflow will only run the preprocessing steps up to the generation of the.bam
Paired-end support
Paired-end files can now be specified in the samples.tsv
It is possible to mix paired-end and single-end data in the same analysis.
As most downstream tools do not support the alignment flags for paired-end data, the workflow will transform the paired-end data to single-end data after the trimming step.
This is an example sample.tsv
file, which is also available in the HRIBO templates folder.
method |
condition |
replicate |
fastqFile |
fastqFile2 |
A |
1 |
fastq/RIBO-A-1_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RIBO-A-1_R2.fastq.gz |
A |
2 |
fastq/RIBO-A-2_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RIBO-A-2_R2.fastq.gz |
B |
1 |
fastq/RIBO-B-1_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RIBO-B-1_R2.fastq.gz |
B |
2 |
fastq/RIBO-B-2_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RIBO-B-2_R2.fastq.gz |
A |
1 |
fastq/RNA-A-1_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RNA-A-1_R2.fastq.gz |
A |
2 |
fastq/RNA-A-2_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RNA-A-2_R2.fastq.gz |
B |
1 |
fastq/RNA-B-1_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RNA-A-1_R2.fastq.gz |
B |
2 |
fastq/RNA-B-2_R1.fastq.gz |
fastq/RNA-A-1_R2.fastq.gz |